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The Beauty of a Woman

Happy International Women’s Day!!!!

Every year on March 8th, women from all over the world come together to celebrate International Women’s Day. Today we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and it’s truly a blessing to be to witness the women trailblazers of this world. Trailblazers who have blazed the path that has afforded me and every woman like myself plenty of rights and opportunities, not only as a woman but as an African-American woman.

Today I thought on my journey through life and during my moment of reflection, I thought about every woman who has helped shape me, guided me, and those who not only paved the way but reached back to lift me up as well. Women who I have looked to for inspiration and encouragement whether I have known them personally or not. Women like my mother, grandmother, and aunts; women like my grade school teachers and college professors; women like my tribe; or well-known women like Michelle Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Rosa Parks, and even Beyoncé. I am truly blessed to stand on the shoulders of giants and stand shoulder to shoulder with emerging giants.

Although sadly women are still fighting for equality in many areas, it’s a great feeling to see us fighting and owning our power together. And despite the statistics and the numbers, we will always have the courage and resilience to continue to keep on fighting until change happens. Because of our relentless spirits, women, now more than ever are being recognized for our contributions to society and for the accomplishments we have achieved. And this is just the beginning!

The beauty of a woman means that we will always have a reason to celebrate one another. No matter how big or small the accomplishment, there will always be a tribe of women celebrating you. Even today, while preparing to write this post, I received great news from two of my closest friends, and immediately their joy became my joy, their celebration, my celebration. That is the beauty of a woman. We celebrate each other and cheer each other on because we know when it’s our time, those same women will be celebrating us.

So thank you to the women who went before me, the women who stand beside me and the women who are coming behind me.

Let’s continue to exist beautifully in our Power.

Forever in Awe,

C. Yejide